Thursday, July 5, 2012


I had one of those little moments today where I was able to fully let go of everything on my running list of to-do's and just enjoy what was happening.  Aven, my 2 year old, woke up early from nap with a little whimper and called for me.  It wasn't her typical style of running out of the bedroom with a smile from ear to ear yelling "I had a good nap!" so I knew she wasn't done sleeping just yet.  I was only part way through all of the laundry and cleaning that I wanted to get done during nap time but I wanted her to sleep more (a well rested child is more important than anything these days).  So I asked her if she wanted me to lay down in bed with her and she nodded yes.

Right there, I knew the next few minutes could go either way--she would either start rolling around in bed, nudging me, kicking, and we'd eventually get into an argument OR she could just fall back asleep.  My fingers were crossed for the latter and sure enough as luck would have it, she drifted off peacefully.  After about five minutes, I slowly tried to move off the bed but she immediately woke up.  She opened her eyes, looked at me, and said in the sweetest little voice "stay Mama, just stay" and then closed her eyes and wrapped her arm around me.  With those words I threw out all my plans and just laid there with her, face to face, and took the nicest nap with my girl.  I imagine in 15 years, I'll probably be begging to hear those words from her so I'm going to take every opportunity I get to savor them now.  Chores can wait.

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