Thursday, July 12, 2012


The past three or four weeks have been terrible in terms of how little sleep I'm operating on.  Louie had been doing great for about a six week stretch or so but as soon as we got home from visiting my parents for a week, her nighttime schedule went awry.  She wakes up a lot now.  She nurses and falls right back to sleep so I'm lucky that she's not actually "awake" more at night, but still...there's plenty of room for improvement.  I started to keep track of what was happening at night this week because I'm typically so tired that everything blurs together and I just don't remember.  Here's how the first night looked:

8 pm - asleep
11:15 - mama goes to bed late
12:40 - 1st feeding (this is the latest it's ever been; typically its when I go to bed)
1:25 - aven woke up from a bad dream, then needed water, and then needed to pee
1:50 - finally back in bed
2:56 - 2nd feeding
5:21 - 3rd feeding
6:45 - she woke up for the morning

No wonder I'm so freaking tired.  There was another night this week where she only woke up twice, which is exactly what I'm aiming for...problem is, it's not her norm.  Most nights look like some variation of the above.  The only consistent thing is that she is asleep for the night sometime between 7:30 and 8 pm.

But then, when all is said and done it doesn't really matter how much sleep I get tonight.  In no time at all, she will grow up and I'll be missing these days.

I get moments like this and all the exhaustion washes away.

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