Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Sometimes when all you want to do is take a nap, it's the last thing your body agrees to.  Right now my two daughters are sleeping (albeit one fitfully, due to a cold) and the only thing I want to do is join them.  I got no sleep last night thanks to a sick husband, sick baby, and overtired toddler.  The smart thing would be to just lay down and close my eyes.  But I tried that.  It didn't work.  Which means I'm suddenly counting down the minutes of free time I have left before one of them wakes.  So here I am, suddenly creating a blog.  Because, why not?  It seems a logical thing to do in my sleep-deprived state right now.  I can write non-stop about nothing, press publish, and suddenly feel "accomplished" of all that I got done during nap time today.  So there, blog started.  Now how do I make it look pretty?

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